Hora en mi mundo

Datos personales

Mi foto
San José, San José, Costa Rica
Escritor aspirante, Estudiante de inglés, Viajero en el velero de la vida

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Nameless - Mi primer poema en inglés

Who lights the sun in my everlasting dusk

And talks to me, breaking my serenity?

Who wakes me up with scent of musk

And finishes my illusion of eternity?

Was it heaven or hell? The question arises

What summoned me abruptly to strange existence?

What dragged me out of the womb? What a crisis!

What a show! What a struggle! A war with no resistance!

Who’s the cub conceived in solitude?

Where’s the pride of this lion in shame?

Where’s the power of this king in servitude?

Where’s the crown, the poise, the name?

Forsaken shelter that homeless have rejected

Banned words from a language never spoken

The one heir that the emperor has neglected

I’m worth an oath long ago broken

Angels, Angels, behold my comedy!

The story of the newborn abandoned son

Existence surrounded by vain tragedy

Don’t ask for a name for I have none

Call me, divine! Call me for salvation

But in the Book of Life I’m not listed

Call me, doomed! Call for condemnation

Though my soul has never existed